Early Excellence

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Specialists in EYFS & KS1 School Improvement
Professional Provider of Training & Consultancy
Experts in Classroom Planning & Outdoor Design
Leading Supplier of Quality Furniture & Resources

Arrange an Outdoor Design Consultation 

When your outdoor area needs attention and you want to make improvements, our Curriculum Consultants will help you all the way.

Book an Outdoor Design Consultation Today

Simply enquire about the services we offer to support you; whether you need training to help you make the best use of your current provision, or you plan to overhaul everything and start again – either way we can help you to get it right! 

We will spend time with you to discuss your vision, design your space and create a detailed list of all the storage and equipment you need to achieve a dynamic outdoor learning environment for your Early Years and/or Key Stage 1 children.

We specialise in:

  • Sharing expertise in how to plan and manage an effective outdoor curriculum   
  • Working with you to discuss how best to use the space for your children, in your context  
  • Advising on all aspects of outdoor provision; outdoor stores, outdoor resources and storage for all key areas
  • Helping from beginning to end with personalised support to plan, order, deliver and install your outdoor equipment  

Simply reach out for help! Our Curriculum Team are all experienced EYFS and KS1 Leaders who can help you to achieve effective outdoor environments for your children.  

To find out about our Bespoke Support Services, and our FREE* Outdoor Design Service contact our team:

Phone: 01422 311314 
Email: admin@earlyexcellence.com 

Request an Outdoor Design Consultation Today

*Outdoor Plans are FREE when ordering Early Excellence products. Enquire for full terms & conditions.