Early Excellence

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Specialists in EYFS & KS1 School Improvement
Professional Provider of Training & Consultancy
Experts in Classroom Planning & Outdoor Design
Leading Supplier of Quality Furniture & Resources

Meet the Needs of Children with SEND in the Early Years

Access specialist support to ensure that all children progress, succeed and achieve

The percentage of children with SEND in the Early Years, particularly with a high-level of need, is a growing picture for schools across the country. With Specialist Provision places in short supply, funding limited and shrinking school budgets you will want to explore the most effective ways to meet the needs of all the children in your Early Years.

Whether you have several children with SEND within the main classes, have developed a more bespoke provision space within school, or you work in a Specialist Provision setting, we’re here to support you through your Early Years SEND priorities.

Arrange an initial free consultation call with Nikki Walters, Head of School Services, to discuss your needs.

Meet Our EYFS SEND Consultants

The Early Excellence SEND Associate Consultants are specialists in their field, bringing to you a wealth of experience of working with children with a vast array of needs, from a range of settings, underpinned by a comprehensive knowledge of the SEND Code of Practice, SEND Policies and early identification processes. The Curriculum Team are experts in child development, ages and stages offering you an in-depth knowledge and understanding of practice and provision to enable children’s next steps. Why not get to know some members of the dedicated team who will support your SEND work in this podcast?

Discover SEND Training and Support to Guide You

There’s a range of support and SEND Courses for the Early Years available for you and your colleagues who are looking for CPD to strengthen practice and provision for children with SEND. Discover options for a comprehensive training suite which explores aspects of SEND Policy and the SEND code of practice, early identification of SEND in the Early Years, effective practice and SEND resources for Early Years. Training can be accessed online, recorded or face to face, or you can choose to explore bespoke surgery and consultancy options to support your SEND priorities.

Complete Nursery Classroom

Develop Your Learning Environment

Whether you are a mainstream school or a specialist setting looking to review and develop your classroom spaces, with a spotlight on enabling Early Years children with SEND, why not consider one of the learning environment consultancy options? Choose from a remote session, a personal shopper experience or a site visit.

Arrange a free consultation call for an initial discussion with one of the highly experienced Curriculum Team.

Access Free Early Years SEND Resources

You can take advantage of a range of free Early Years SEND Resources to share with colleagues to support SEND training and developments in your school.

If you haven’t already taken a look, then a great starting point is this free four-part Framework Tool ‘Supporting Children with SEND in the Early Years’. Designed specifically for Leaders, this tool will facilitate deep reflection, discussion and evaluation of SEND practice in your school.


Explore Insightful Blogs to Support SEND Practice

There are a range of news items, inspirational updates and practical guidance blogs which place SEND under the spotlight.

Take a look and reflect on how to further develop your practice and provision for children with SEND in the Early Years. It’s an easy way to keep up to date and enhance your CPD.

Our Top 6 Recommended ‘SEND in the Early Years’ Listens

Teachers and Practitioners can engage with several invaluable free Podcasts and hear from guest speakers, specialist experts and colleagues in school to gain insight and practical ideas about a range of common themes relating to SEND.

Feedback from Schools and Celebrating Success for SEND in the Early Years

Speak to Our Head of School Services

We’d be delighted to help you to navigate your SEND matters, so do arrange an initial free consultation call with Nikki Walters and find out how you can be supported with your SEND priorities.

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