Strategic Reviews & Consultations

Gain support in reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness and impact of your Early Years and/or KS1 with support from Early Excellence.
With expert knowledge of child development, pedagogy and practice coupled with an up to date picture of the national arena, inspection framework and the latest research, we can review, support and quality assure your EYFS and KS1, building a partnership to help you drive forward longer term innovation and improvement.
EYFS & KS1 Reviews include:
- High quality professional dialogues about strengths and areas of development.
- Constructive feedback and a ‘critical friend’ partnership.
- Strategic support and practical advice towards approaching next steps.
- A structure and drive to your Early Years / Infant Phase planning, monitoring and evaluation cycle.
Contact us to discuss your school improvement needs:

Nikki Walters
Head of School Services
01422 311 314

Headteacher Review
“Sarah has worked skilfully alongside me to identify strengths in our practice and offer improvement advice to address our intended outcomes. She quickly understood our school aims and tailored her input to effectively to support these, engaging really well with all members of staff. Sarah has also supported the governors in understanding the Headteacher Standards and I felt well supported in the performance management process.”
Tina Shute
South Ossetts Infant School,

EYFS Leader Review
“The review of our EYFS was really helpful. The consultant was honest, open and informative in her advice. Working alongside Early Excellence has been an incredible experience and one with far reaching benefits.”
Helen Stevens
EYFS Leader
Marriott Primary School

Headteacher Review
“The review days with Sarah were incredibly useful. I learnt so much about monitoring the quality of education in EYFS. Her consultancy to support pedagogy to improve writing outcomes was very productive, leaving the EY lead buzzing, and the writing outcomes since that day have really improved in Reception.”
Tracey Grove
Head Teacher
Canon Peter Hall CofE Primary
School, Immingham,
Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust