Early Excellence

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Specialists in EYFS & KS1 School Improvement
Professional Provider of Training & Consultancy
Experts in Classroom Planning & Outdoor Design
Leading Supplier of Quality Furniture & Resources

Bespoke CPD Programmes

With our experience and extensive Early Years, KS1 and Child Development knowledge we can shape a CPD programme to support with your school priorities, around your school context.

Our bespoke packages of CPD can be delivered to large or small groups, or to individuals. With a choice of face-to-face, remote or a blended approach, our bespoke programmes enable rapid developments in practice and provision and raise outcomes.

Bespoke CPD Programmes include:

  • Intensive consultancy to rapidly improve practice in the Early Years and KS1.
  • Training sessions focused on key aspects of best practice to deepen knowledge and understanding for leaders and teachers.
  • School-based consultancy to guide individual practitioners in developing best practice in the classroom.
  • Staff meetings and workshops to illustrate best practice, discuss developments and agree next steps with whole teams.

Contact us to discuss your school improvement needs:

Nikki Walters
Head of School Services

01422 311 314