Early Excellence

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Specialists in EYFS & KS1 School Improvement
Professional Provider of Training & Consultancy
Experts in Classroom Planning & Outdoor Design
Leading Supplier of Quality Furniture & Resources

EYFS / KS1 School Improvement Services

At Early Excellence, we lead a range of bespoke school improvement services to support transforming practice and provision and raising outcomes for children in Early Years & KS1.

With specialist expertise in early primary education, and with a proven track record of achieving both an immediate and long-term impact on outcomes, we can work with you to plan a tailored programme of support and offer full solutions from a one-off event to a whole programme of training and consultancy.

We engage with Trusts, Headteachers, School and Senior Leaders, Phase Leaders, Subject Leaders, teachers and support staff providing a wide range of CPD opportunities to build confidence, strengthen leadership, improve teaching and raise outcomes – all to meet specific development needs.

If you are looking for solutions, or if planning a programme of high-quality, impactful CPD is central to your development needs, do take a look at what we can offer. We’d be delighted to create a bespoke programme for you.

Contact us to discuss your school improvement needs:

Nikki Walters
Head of Regional Development

01422 311 314