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Friedrich Froebel: His Principles, Play Theory, and Legacy in Education

Who is Friedrich Froebel?


Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel (pronounced Fray-bul) was born on 21st April 1782 in Oberweissbach, Germany and is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in early childhood education. As the founder of the ‘kindergarten’ movement, Friedrich Froebel revolutionised how young children learn and develop, introducing a child-centred approach that remains relevant today. He believed that children are naturally creative, curious, and capable learners who thrive in an environment that nurtures their innate abilities.

The term ‘kindergarten’ – which translates to ‘garden for children’ – was coined by Friedrich Froebel to describe a space where young learners could grow and flourish, just like plants in a well-tended garden. His approach was groundbreaking at the time. He was the first person to advocate for play as an essential part of early childhood development. He famously stated;

“Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood, for it alone is the free expression of what is in the child’s soul.” Friedrich Froebel

Friedrich Froebel’s theory is rooted in hands-on, experiential learning. His specially designed educational materials, known as ‘Froebel’s Gifts’, include simple yet purposeful objects such as wooden blocks, balls, and geometric shapes. These resources encourage children to explore patterns, design, and spatial relationships, forming the foundation of many modern early years educational approaches, including Montessori and Reggio Emilia.

For early years practitioners and teachers, understanding Friedrich Froebel’s philosophy provides valuable insights into child-led learning, play-based pedagogies, and the importance of fostering creativity from a young age. Friedrich Froebel’s pioneering work continues to shape early childhood education worldwide, making his legacy essential knowledge for anyone working with young children.

Friedrich Froebel: The Pioneer of Early Childhood Education

Friedrich Froebel’s revolutionary ideas challenged the rigid and teacher-led educational norms of his time, introducing a more child-centred, play-based approach that remains influential today.

At the heart of ‘Froebelian principles’ is the belief that children are inherently creative, naturally inquisitive, and capable of learning best through child-led learning and meaningful play. Unlike traditional teaching methods of his time that focused solely on rote memorisation and passive learning, Froebel’s theory emphasised hands-on exploration, interaction with the environment, and self-expression as the foundation of early childhood education.

In 1816, Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel founded the Universal German Educational Institute in Griesheim, later relocating it to Keilhau. This institute became a pioneering model for experiential learning, providing children with opportunities to engage with natural materials, develop social skills, and cultivate independence. Froebel’s approach encouraged activities such as building, storytelling, music, and movement, all of which supported the holistic development of the child. His emphasis on structured yet creative play is a key aspect of the Froebelian approach, which continues to shape modern early years pedagogy today.

The influence of Friedrich Froebel’s theory extends far beyond his own kindergarten model. His work has significantly impacted other progressive educational approaches, including Montessori and Reggio Emilia, both of which share his focus on child-led exploration and hands-on learning. The Froebel play theory laid the foundation for viewing play as a critical element of early childhood development rather than just a recreational activity, which at the time was considered radical. Today, practitioners who embrace the Froebel approach recognise the importance of nurturing each child’s natural abilities through play-based, enquiry-driven experiences that foster creativity, problem-solving, and lifelong learning.

What is Friedrich Froebel’s Theory?

Central to Friedrich Froebel’s theory is the belief that education should nurture the natural unfolding of a child’s abilities, rather than impose rigid structures. His Froebelian approach is rooted in the idea that young children learn best through exploration, creativity, and meaningful interactions with their environment. This child-centred philosophy reinforces the importance of play, nature, and holistic learning experiences.

Key elements of the Froebelian approach:

  • Play as Fundamental: Friedrich Froebel emphasised that play is not just a pastime but a vital tool for cognitive, emotional, and social development. His Froebel play theory highlights that through structured play, children gain a deeper understanding of the world around them, fostering imagination, problem-solving, and independent thinking.
  • Unity and Connectedness: A core principle of Froebel theory is that all aspects of life are interconnected. Early years education should reflect this by considering learning as holistic, linking subjects, concepts, and experiences in meaningful ways, ensuring children develop a sense of wholeness in their learning.
  • Nature and Outdoor Learning: Friedrich Froebel strongly advocated for outdoor learning, believing that exposure to nature was crucial for physical well-being, creativity, and a child’s spiritual growth. His Froebelian principles encouraged children to explore the natural world, fostering curiosity and respect for their surroundings.
  • Educational Materials – ‘Gifts’ and ‘Occupations’: ‘Froebel’s Gifts’ were specially designed objects, such as balls, cubes, and sticks, aimed at enhancing spatial awareness, coordination, and creativity. These hands-on materials were central to the Froebel approach, allowing children to discover mathematical, artistic, and scientific concepts through guided play.

These Froebelian principles continue to influence early years education today, supporting environments that prioritise autonomous learning, exploration, and child-led discovery through pedagogical approaches such as continuous provision. Early years practitioners and teachers who embrace the Froebelian approach create rich, play-based settings using a continuous provision approach that honours each child’s unique development and prepares them for lifelong learning and success.

friedrich Froebel - Gardening

The Froebelian Principles: A Child-Centred Approach

Friedrich Froebel’s theory of education, more commonly known as the Froebelian approach, is based on some fundamental principles (Froebelian Principles). Let’s explore these in more detail.

Unity and Connectedness: The Holistic Nature of Learning

A fundamental aspect of the Froebelian approach is the principle of unity and connectedness. Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel believed that children learn best when they recognise connections between different aspects of their lives, including nature, their immediate environment, and their relationships with others. He rejected the idea of education as a series of isolated subjects, instead advocating for a holistic approach that integrates learning experiences. This is very similar to the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the nature of teaching holistically in early years, viewing the child as the ‘whole child’.

For early years practitioners and teachers, this means creating opportunities for children to make links in their play, through storytelling, and real-world experiences. For example, a nature walk can encourage children to develop their observational skills, introduce early scientific concepts, and foster emotional well-being by connecting with the natural world. Similarly, engaging in an art activity, such as painting or modelling with clay, can help children express emotions, develop fine motor skills, and explore mathematical concepts like shape and symmetry.

By embedding Froebelian principles into daily teaching practice, early years practitioners and teachers can help children build a cohesive understanding of the world around them, making learning more meaningful and engaging.

Autonomous Learning: Supporting Independence and Self-Discovery

Another cornerstone of Froebel’s theory is autonomous learning, which acknowledges that children are naturally curious and capable learners. Instead of being passive recipients of knowledge, children take an active role in their education, constructing their own understanding through exploration, trial and error, and problem-solving.

The Froebel approach encourages early years practitioners and teachers to act as facilitators rather than instructors, guiding children’s learning rather than dictating it. By allowing children to choose their activities, explore their interests, and engage in open-ended play, practitioners and teachers support intrinsic motivation and confidence.

This idea of ‘facilitating’ learning has significantly influenced modern day early years research. Building on the work of the National Strategies in 2009, the Education Endowment Foundation produced an Early Years Pedagogical Continuum that reflects Froebel’s approach of encouraging early years practitioners and teachers to facilitate or ‘guide’ young children’s learning.

Education Endowment Foundation, 2023
Education Endowment Foundation, 2023

This Early Years Pedagogical Continuum shows the wide-ranging role of the early years practitioner in supporting young children’s learning and development, with ‘guided play’ highlighted as a significant pedagogical approach to nurture children through the learning process towards becoming fully autonomous learners.

For example, rather than providing children with step-by-step instructions to complete an art and craft activity, a Froebelian approach would offer a selection of materials and invite children to create freely. This process not only fosters creativity but also encourages decision-making, problem-solving, and perseverance – important life skills that extend beyond the early years. The adult would then be on hand to facilitate and guide the learning based on individual children’s needs. Some children may need a more collaborative approach as they learn new skills, or watch adults model different techniques; some children may need adults to suggest ideas or prompt thinking; some children may need adults to step back and observe for a while, before deciding how to support.

It’s important to note that Friedrich Froebel’s theory emphasises respecting children for their efforts rather than their outcomes. This approach ensures that learning is process-driven rather than product-focused, allowing children to build resilience and a growth mindset. This also helps avoid the ‘production line effect’ – when children are constrained in their learning by being told what they must produce, for example, “We’re all going to paint sunflowers today!” and the practitioner then provides green paint, orange paint and some pre-cut yellow leaves. This type of activity doesn’t tell us much about a child’s learning and development. Instead, when children are praised for their curiosity, exploration, and persistence rather than simply for getting the “right” answer or producing the ‘best sunflower painting’, they develop a lifelong love of learning and develop intrinsic motivation.

Want to strengthen your knowledge of the role of the adult in supporting children’s learning and development? Explore the Early Excellence Strengthening Adult Interactions in the EYFS course.

Play and Creativity: The Foundation of Learning

One of Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel’s most significant contributions to early childhood education is his recognition of play as a fundamental aspect of learning. His Froebel play theory highlights the importance of symbolic representation, allowing children to make sense of their world through imaginative play, storytelling, music, and movement.

Play is not just recreation; it is the primary mode of learning in early childhood. Through play, children develop critical thinking skills, expand their vocabulary, practise social interactions, and gain a deeper understanding of concepts such as cause and effect, spatial awareness, and problem-solving.

The Froebelian approach encourages different types of play, including:

  • Symbolic Play: Children use objects, gestures, and language to represent ideas. For example, a child might use a wooden block as a pretend phone, demonstrating early abstract thinking.
  • Construction Play: Building with construction resources or blocks to create models, and assembling puzzles to help develop spatial reasoning and fine motor skills. This type of play is deeply embedded in Froebel theory, particularly through his ‘Gifts and Occupations’ – a set of structured materials designed to enhance creativity and logical thinking.
  • Social Play: Engaging in themed role-play scenarios, such as pretending to be shopkeepers or doctors, helps children develop empathy, cooperation, social and communication skills.
  • Outdoor Play: In line with Froebelian principles, outdoor play fosters physical development, resilience, and a connection to nature. Froebel believed that nature was an essential part of a child’s education, as it nurtures curiosity, creativity, and emotional well-being.

For early years practitioners and teachers, incorporating Froebel play theory into the learning environment means providing a rich, stimulating and enabling environment where children have access to well-developed continuous provision, providing open-ended materials, natural elements, and opportunities for self-directed exploration. This ensures that play remains a powerful tool for cognitive, emotional, and social growth.

Nature and Outdoor Learning: A Core Element of the Froebelian Approach

Friedrich Froebel strongly emphasised the importance of nature and outdoor learning as essential elements of early childhood education. He believed that direct interaction with the natural world was crucial for physical, intellectual, and spiritual development.

The Froebelian approach encourages outdoor learning as a daily practice that is part of continuous provision, where children can engage in activities such as:

Early years practitioners and teachers who follow Froebelian principles will create outdoor environments that stimulate curiosity and independence, ensuring that children feel connected to the world around them while learning through natural discovery.

The Role of Educational Materials: Froebel’s Gifts and Occupations

A key innovation of Friedrich Froebel’s theory was the introduction of structured educational materials, known as Froebel’s Gifts and Occupations. These resources were carefully designed to support progressive learning, helping children understand complex concepts through hands-on exploration.

  • The Gifts: A series of simple yet versatile objects, such as balls, cubes, cylinders, and sticks, that encouraged children to explore shape, form, balance, and design. He also developed a range of wooden blocks. These materials laid the foundation for mathematical reasoning, artistic expression, and scientific exploration.
  • The Occupations: Activities such as weaving, modelling with clay, or now dough, and woodwork that helped refine fine motor skills while fostering creativity and problem-solving abilities.

The use of these materials, particularly wooden blocks, is still seen in most modern early years settings today, demonstrating the lasting impact of Froebel theory on contemporary educational practices.

Relationships and Community: The Importance of Social Connection

Finally, Friedrich Froebel recognised the significance of relationships in early childhood education. He believed that children develop best within a supportive, nurturing community, where strong connections between educators, families, and peers create a secure foundation for learning.

The Froebelian approach encourages:

  • Collaborative learning, where children work together, share ideas, and develop social skills.
  • A strong adult-child relationship, where practitioners provide guidance, reassurance, and encouragement.
  • Family involvement, ensuring that learning extends beyond the classroom into the home environment.

By fostering trust and cooperation, the Froebel approach ensures that children feel valued as part of a wider community, helping them develop confidence, emotional intelligence, and a sense of belonging that is so important to children’s overall health and well-being.

Frobel Interactions

The Theory of Play: Froebel’s Revolutionary Idea

Friedrich Froebel saw play as a form of self-expression, allowing children to symbolically represent their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Through play, children explore their world, test their ideas, and develop problem-solving skills. This insight laid the foundation for what we now recognise as play-based learning, a core principle early years education.

One of Friedrich Froebel’s greatest contributions to education was the introduction of the ‘kindergarten’. He envisioned it as a space where children could grow, develop, and learn in harmony with their natural instincts. The Froebelian approach positioned the kindergarten as more than just a place of care; it was an environment where play, exploration, and structured learning were seamlessly integrated to support the holistic development of young children.

Froebel’s kindergarten model was based on the belief that children learn best when they are active participants in their own education.

Today, the kindergarten model inspired by Froebel continues to influence early years education worldwide. Many contemporary early childhood settings still emphasise child-led play, hands-on learning, and outdoor exploration by using continuous provision as a key pedagogical approach, reflecting Froebelian principles in practice.

As part of Froebel’s theory of play, Froebel’s Gifts were used to support children to develop spatial awareness, fine motor skills, and creative problem-solving abilities.

Some of the most famous Froebel’s Gifts included:

  • Soft balls – representing unity, movement, and the earliest forms of play for infants.
  • Cubes and cylinders – allowing children to explore balance, symmetry, and geometric relationships.
  • Wooden blocks – encouraging construction, creativity, and logical thinking.

Each of these materials was designed to introduce children to fundamental concepts in mathematics, science, and art through play. By manipulating these objects, children could discover patterns, experiment with design, and engage in open-ended exploration – a core aspect of the Froebelian approach.

Today, elements of Froebel’s Gifts can be found in more modern early year’s resources, such as wooden blocks, transient art materials, and STEM-based learning tools such as construction and science resources.

You can audit your early years resources using the free Early Excellence indoor and outdoor audit tools.

Froebel in Practice: Tools and Techniques

Implementing Friedrich Froebel’s theory in early years settings requires the use of specific tools and techniques designed to support children’s natural curiosity, creativity, and independent learning. His Froebelian approach emphasised hands-on exploration, open-ended resources, and environments that allow children to develop at their own pace. Today, early years practitioners and teachers who embrace Froebelian principles create classrooms and outdoor spaces that prioritise autonomy, play, and creativity while fostering cognitive, social, and physical development.

Practical ways to incorporate Froebel’s key tools and techniques:

Froebel’s Gifts: Simple yet purposeful objects such as balls, cubes, sticks and blocks. These materials encourage exploration of forms and patterns, fostering mathematical and artistic skills. Froebel believed that by engaging with these structured materials, children could internalise complex ideas through active exploration, setting a foundation for later learning in subjects such as maths, engineering, and design.

Occupations: Activities such as cutting, weaving, woodwork, sewing, drawing and modelling with clay, or now dough. These activities align with Froebelian principles by ensuring that children engage in meaningful, tactile experiences that not only refine motor skills but also foster a deep sense of accomplishment and creative self-expression.

Nature-Based Learning: Incorporating outdoor activities to connect children with the natural environment such as gardening, nature observation, free movement, seasonal learning such as weather patterns, exploring life-cycles, and learning about minibeasts and animal habitats. Froebel strongly believed that nature was a child’s first and most important teacher.

Block Play: Using blocks to stimulate imagination, problem-solving, and understanding of structural principles. Froebel recognised the power and potential of block play in enhancing mathematical thinking, encouraging collaboration and developing persistence and resilience when structures collapse and children rethink, rebuild and improve their designs.

Enabling Environments: Spaces Designed for Exploration and Independence

In practice, Froebelian principles emphasise the creation of enabling educational environments – settings where children feel safe, inspired, and empowered to lead their own learning. This means designing classrooms and outdoor spaces that incorporate continuous provision at the heart of the practice.

These classroom spaces and outdoor spaces should be designed with these key elements in mind:

  • High-levels of organisation: Well-planned and organised spaces with clearly defined areas to learn within, offering resources that children can self-select and use independently.
  • Offer open-ended resources: Resources carefully chosen for their multitude of learning possibilities – wooden blocks, loose parts, natural materials. Resources that allow for independent exploration and creativity.
  • Encourage choice and autonomy: Children are given the freedom to choose how they learn. Choosing resources that interest them, fostering confidence and decision-making skills.
  • Promote social interactions: Spaces are designed to support collaboration, role-play, and shared discovery – offering lots of opportunities for talk and conversation as well as building relationships.

A Froebelian approach in early years settings recognises that learning happens best when children feel ownership over their experiences. When practitioners design spaces that prioritise freedom, creativity, and meaningful engagement, they ensure that children develop the skills they need to become confident, curious, and lifelong learners.

At Early Excellence we use our classroom shelving units and room dividers to create clearly defined resource areas and a series of separate spaces to promote social interactions.

Froebel’s Legacy: Impact on Modern Education

The influence of Friedrich Froebel’s play theory extends far beyond the kindergarten model he pioneered. His emphasis on play, autonomy, creativity, and hands-on learning has shaped numerous contemporary early childhood education approaches, including Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. By advocating for child-centred, play-based learning, Froebel laid the foundation for educational models that prioritise self-directed exploration, holistic development, and enabling environments – all of which remain central to early years practice today.

Froebel’s Influence on Montessori Education

Maria Montessori was deeply inspired by Froebelian principles, particularly the idea that children learn best through self-directed, hands-on experiences. Like Froebel, she believed that young learners should engage with purposeful materials, explore their environment, and develop autonomy through structured yet flexible learning opportunities.

Some key parallels between Montessori education and Froebel’s approach include:

  • The use of structured learning materials: Montessori materials, such as the pink tower, number rods, and geometric solids, mirror Froebel’s Gifts in their focus on sensory exploration, spatial awareness, and mathematical reasoning.
  • A prepared learning environment: Montessori classrooms, much like Froebel’s kindergartens, are designed to foster independent exploration, free movement, and choice-led learning.
  • Respect for the child as an active learner: Both Froebel’s theory and Montessori education emphasise independent learning, where children develop critical thinking skills, concentration, and problem-solving skills at their own pace.

Montessori education extends Froebel’s play theory by incorporating real-life tasks and practical life learning that helps children develop independence, self-care skills, and responsibility – values that align with Froebel’s emphasis on nurturing the whole child.

Froebel’s Influence on Malaguzzi and the Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia approach, developed in post-war Italy by Loris Malaguzzi, also aligns closely with Froebelian principles. Like Froebel, Reggio Emilia educators believe that children construct their own knowledge through play, enquiry, and creative expression.

  • Creativity as a central element: Reggio Emilia’s focus on artistic exploration, symbolic play, and multimodal learning reflects Froebel’s theory of play as a means for children to express thoughts, emotions, and ideas.
  • The importance of relationships: Both Froebelian principles and the Reggio Emilia approach emphasise the critical role of social interaction in early learning. Children are seen as active participants in their education, learning through collaboration with peers, teachers, and their environment.
  • The environment as a ‘third teacher’: Like Froebel’s theory, Reggio Emilia settings are designed so that children can connect with nature and the world around them, with a focus on natural materials and outdoor experiences. Reggio Emilia settings are also aesthetically rich, stimulating, and conducive to open-ended exploration, like Froebel’s kindergartens.

The Reggio Emilia emphasis on enquiry-led projects builds upon Froebel’s play theory, recognising that children’s natural curiosity drives learning. Much like Froebel’s view of education as a connected, evolving process, Reggio Emilia educators document children’s learning journeys, valuing reflection, iteration, and growth over time.

Froebel’s Influence on Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory

Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development reflect Froebel’s emphasis on play as central to learning. He proposed that children progress through sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages, gradually constructing their own understanding of the world.

Froebel’s impact on Piaget:

  • Play as a means of knowledge construction: Piaget reinforced Froebel’s idea that children learn through manipulation, experimentation, and exploration.
  • Hands-on learning: both theorists emphasised the importance of concrete experiences to develop abstract thinking.
  • Child-led discovery: Piaget, like Froebel, believed that children should explore at their own pace, following their own interests.

Jean Piaget’s work has subsequently influenced both Primary and Secondary education too, with his theory of cognitive development influencing concepts of formative assessment, active learning experiences and social and peer interaction.

Froebel’s Influence on Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory

Lev Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and scaffolding concepts share Froebel’s belief that learning is a social process. Froebelian principles emphasise relationships between children, educators, and peers, which aligns with Vygotsky’s view that interaction with ‘more knowledgeable others’ supports learning.

Froebel’s influence on Vygotsky:

  • Play as a driver of development: Vygotsky saw play as fundamental to cognitive and social growth, much like Froebel’s play theory.
  • The critical role of adults in learning: both believed that educators should guide rather than direct learning, supporting children’s development at their own pace.
  • Symbolic representation in play: Froebel’s focus on creative play (drawing, storytelling, role-play) aligns with Vygotsky’s belief that children develop higher thinking through symbolic thought.

Froebel’s emphasis on holistic, play-based, and socially interactive learning provided a foundation for Vygotsky’s theories, reinforcing the idea that collaborative, guided play is essential for cognitive and social development.

Froebel’s Play Theory and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In the UK, Friedrich Froebel’s theory is well reflected within the EYFS Statutory Framework, which acknowledges the power of play-based learning as the foundation for early learning and development.

Froebel’s influence on modern day practice is clear in the Four Principles of the EYFS:

  • Unique Child – A focus on adults getting to know children on an individual basis so that they can take that holistic approach to teaching and learning. An approach that nurtures a child’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and social growth – and put’s the child’s individual needs at the heart of the practice.
  • Enabling Environments – Indoor and Outdoor environments that are carefully planned, ensuring children have the freedom to explore, interact, and engage in hands-on learning through continuous provision.
  • Positive Relationships – Adults spending time with children, getting to know them on an individual basis and creating authentic relationships of trust and respect.
  • Learning and Development – A focus on the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning.
    • Playing and exploring (active engagement with materials and ideas).
    • Active learning (persistence, motivation, and engagement).
    • Creating and thinking critically (problem-solving and innovation).

Nature and Outdoor Learning in Froebelian Education

Friedrich Froebel’s theory placed a strong emphasis on nature as a fundamental part of early childhood education, believing that children learn best when they are immersed in outdoor environments. He saw nature as a child’s first teacher, providing endless opportunities for sensory exploration, physical development, and holistic learning. Froebel understood that time spent in nature fosters curiosity, resilience, and a deeper connection to the world, reinforcing his belief in unity and interconnectedness – one of the core Froebelian principles.

Froebel believed that direct engagement with the natural world was essential for children’s physical, emotional, and intellectual growth. Through outdoor learning experiences, children develop:

  • Sensory awareness – Engaging with different textures, sounds, and scents in nature (such as through Water, Sand, and Mud Kitchen play) enhances sensory processing skills, crucial for cognitive development.
  • Coordination and motor skills – Running, climbing, balancing, constructing and manipulating natural resources supports both gross and fine motor skills, aligning with the Froebel approach of learning through hands-on experiences.
  • Problem-solving and enquiry skills – Observing nature’s patterns, building dens, or investigating insects encourages critical thinking, curiosity, and scientific exploration.

The Froebelian approach to nature-based learning is deeply embedded throughout the EYFS Statutory Framework, notably within enabling environments, physical development, and understanding the world.

  • Enabling Environments: The EYFS states that children must have access to stimulating outdoor spaces that encourage exploration, risk-taking, and discovery – a direct reflection of Friedrich Froebel’s theory.
  • Physical Development: Outdoor learning supports gross and fine motor skills, building strength, balance, and coordination, which aligns with the EYFS focus on movement, handling objects, and developing greater coordination and control.
  • Understanding the World: Froebel’s belief in nurturing curiosity through direct interaction with nature aligns with the EYFS goal of helping children develop a sense of the world around them through hands-on experiences.

Thoughtfully designed outdoor learning environments allow children to explore freely while benefiting open-ended opportunities. It is important for early years practitioners and teachers to carefully select their outdoor resources, choosing open-ended, versatile and durable resources that encourage exploration and investigation outdoors.

Audit your outdoor learning provision with the free Early Excellence Outdoor Provision Audit Tool.

Practical Tips for Implementing Froebelian Principles of Outdoor Learning

Early years practitioners and teachers looking to integrate Froebelian principles into their outdoor spaces can:

Explore the Early Excellence Outdoor Online Programme for training and CPD on how to develop an effective outdoor learning environment.

Bringing Froebel into Today’s Classrooms

To bring the Froebel approach into today’s early years classrooms, practitioners and teachers must design play-rich environments that utilise continuous provision, incorporate natural materials into the environment, and provide opportunities for self-directed learning.

Here are our top 5 practical strategies to integrate Froebelian principles into your early years classroom:

1. Prioritise Play as a Foundation for Learning

The Froebelian approach places play at the centre of learning, recognising that children explore, express, and develop cognitive skills through play-based learning. Play-based learning supports the EYFS Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning: Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, and Creating and Thinking Critically.

How to implement:

  • Provide open-ended play resources such as wooden blocks, loose parts, and role-play materials to stimulate problem-solving and creativity.
  • Design dedicated areas of provision where children can engage in exploratory, social, and imaginative play.
  • Encourage symbolic play (e.g., storytelling, themed role-play, and block and small world play), which aligns with Froebel theory by allowing children to process their experiences through play and express ideas creatively.

2. Create an Enabling Environment for Independent Learning

The Froebel approach encourages autonomy and child-led exploration, ensuring that children have freedom of movement and access to stimulating materials. Creating an enabling environment that ensures children can self-direct their learning and engage in sustained exploration is crucial.

How to implement:

3. Integrate Natural Materials and Sensory Exploration

Friedrich Froebel believed that nature is a child’s first teacher, and learning should be rooted in real-world experiences, which links with the EYFS Specific Areas of Learning, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design, by fostering hands-on, real-world exploration.

How to implement:

4. Use Continuous Provision to Support the Froebelian Approach

Froebel theory promotes learning as an evolving process, which aligns with Continuous Provision, allowing children to revisit, refine, and extend their learning over time.

How to implement:

  • Ensure materials such as wooden blocks, storytelling props, and open-ended art supplies are always available, supporting independent play and enquiry.
  • Introduce enhancements to reflect children’s interests while keeping core resources consistent, allowing children to build upon previous learning experiences and gain mastery. E.g. adding a projector and sheet to allow children to explore shadow and light with blocks.
  • Design your areas of provision to encourage self-directed exploration, reinforcing Froebel’s belief in child-led learning.

5. Offer Hands-On, Experiential Learning Opportunities

Friedrich Froebel’s approach emphasises active, concrete experiences that develop problem-solving skills, creativity, and conceptual understanding.

How to implement:

  • Encourage water investigations, wet sand exploration, and clay modelling to enhance fine motor skills and sensory awareness.
  • Introduce gardening, allowing children to observe plant growth, learn responsibility, and engage with nature – a fundamental aspect of Froebelian education.
  • Provide multi-sensory learning experiences, such as natural materials, musical instruments, and interactive storytelling.

Froebel and Continuous Provision

The Froebelian approach and Continuous Provision share a fundamental philosophy: children learn best in carefully planned environments that encourage independent exploration, discovery, and high-levels of involvement and engagement. Friedrich Froebel’s theory emphasised the importance of structured yet open-ended play, where children can make choices, manipulate materials, and construct their own understanding of the world. These principles seamlessly integrate with continuous provision, which ensures that resources and learning opportunities are always accessible to children, allowing them to revisit, refine, and extend their learning.

A Froebel-inspired Continuous Provision environment supports:

  • Structured yet open-ended play opportunities – Providing materials that provoke curiosity while allowing children to direct their own learning.
  • The environment as the ‘third teacher’ – Ensuring that purposeful classroom design and careful resource selection guide learning naturally.
  • A balance between adult guidance and child autonomy – Encouraging educators to scaffold learning while allowing children the freedom to explore independently.

At Early Excellence, we are strong advocates for Continuous Provision, designing classroom environments that reflect Froebelian principles. Our approach ensures that learning is driven by children’s interests, allowing them to engage with resources and materials at their own pace while developing essential knowledge and skills required to access the wider world.

Find Out More

Invest in your professional development with our Continuous Provision Guides, packed with practical information to help plan and resource your EYFS and KS1 learning environments.

Explore our carefully curated, fully resourced Complete Classrooms to develop an outstanding indoor learning environment for 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years and 5-7 years.

Support open-ended exploration and imaginative block play with our range of open-ended block resources for both Early Years and Key Stage One classrooms.

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