Early Excellence

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Specialists in EYFS & KS1 School Improvement
Professional Provider of Training & Consultancy
Experts in Classroom Planning & Outdoor Design
Leading Supplier of Quality Furniture & Resources

Free Webinar for Early Career Teachers (ECT)

As an Early Career Teacher (ECT) starting a new teaching job is exciting, and a chance to put into practice so many ideas that you have seen and heard about through training and teaching practices. As you step into your new classroom, your head will be buzzing with lots of plans and ideas and that’s where we can support.

This free webinar is designed for you to find out more about Early Excellence and all we have to offer. During this session, we share practical ideas about how to create an effective and inspiring learning environment and direct you to our free resources and relevant CPD opportunities.

Watch the recorded version of this webinar today.

Newly appointed EYFS and KS1 teachers


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