Early Excellence

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Specialists in EYFS & KS1 School Improvement
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Leading Supplier of Quality Furniture & Resources

Classroom Storage

Spending time displaying resources accessibly is well worth the effort, and you will find a wide range of attractive boxes and natural baskets to help you organise every area of continuous provision.

You will find a wide range of Early Excellence Storage with boxes, pots and trays in transparent and a variety of primary colours, along with natural baskets in willow and seagrass, as well as readymade storage collections for all areas of provision including wet sand, water, dough, workshop, mark making and maths, small world and blocks.

Why Choose Early Excellence Storage Collections? 

  • Designed to ensure accessibility for young children across EYFS & KS1, 2-7yrs
  • Age-appropriate storage for all provision areas differentiated for 2-3yrs, 3-4yrs, 4-5yrs and  5-7yrs 
  • Guaranteed quality and durability with baskets, boxes, trays and pots in a variety colours and sizes 
  • Sustainable materials and recyclable plastics increasingly eco friendly  

If you plan to reorganise your EYFS or KS1 classrooms, simply reach out for help. We’d be delighted to advise you on exactly what you need for each provision area.

Simply contact our team: 

Phone: 01422 311314 
Email: sales@earlyexcellence.com 

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