Early Excellence

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Specialists in EYFS & KS1 School Improvement
Professional Provider of Training & Consultancy
Experts in Classroom Planning & Outdoor Design
Leading Supplier of Quality Furniture & Resources

Early Excellence Podcasts

Our Early Excellence podcasts are platforms for learning from leading professionals in Early Years and Key Stage 1 education. If you work in a school, nursery or preschool setting, the Early Excellence Podcasts will provide you with both practical advice for managing your school, setting or classroom, as well as thought-provoking content and insights about early childhood education.

Early Excellence Podcast

The Early Excellence Podcast is a weekly podcast designed to give EYFS & KS1 educators interesting ideas and insights about early childhood education. Listen to tips on best practice, resourcing your environment and up to date news, reviews, and interviews at a time to suit you.

Head-to-Head Podcast

Join these monthly podcasts developed by Headteachers, with Headteachers, for Headteachers, as we explore a range of key issues that really matter to school leaders. Hear from fellow Heads and colleagues about their recent Ofsted inspection experiences, strategic approaches to current issues, journeys of development and practical top tips for leadership.

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