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EYFS Updates February 2025: Changes and News

With barely time to pause, reflect and embed the raft of recent changes in education – more are on the way, as anticipated. You will want to ensure you are informed, understand the implications and ways to be involved – so the summary below highlights the latest headlines and actions for you and your team.

DfE Updates

Government Sets Out Plans To Target ‘Stuck’ Schools – 3rd February 2025

“Plans unveiled by the Education Secretary today provide for a stronger, faster system, spearheaded by an initial £20 million investment in new regional improvement teams, known as RISE teams which will prioritise these stuck schools. They will draw up bespoke improvement plans with those schools, with government making up to £100,000 available initially to each school for specialist support. This compares to a £6,000 grant that was available previously for similar schools”. Read the full Government Sets Out Plans To Target ‘Stuck’ Schools press release here.

Further information about the RISE teams can be found here.

SEN And Disability Duties: Guidance For School Governing Boards – Updated 3rd February

“This guidance is to help boards with their role and responsibilities in relation to pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities and to empower governors and trustees to hold their schools to account”. Find SEN And Disability Duties: Guidance For School Governing Boards here.

Monitor Your School Attendance: User Guide – Updated 3rd February

“Guidance for schools, academy trusts and local authorities using the monitor your school attendance tool”. Access the Monitor Your School Attendance: User Guide here.

School Accountability Reform – Consultation launched 3rd February

The DfE are seeking views on:

  • school accountability principles
  • school profiles – a new digital service which provides information about schools
  • a stronger approach to school improvement through intervention 

Access the School Accountability Reform Consultation here.

In parallel, Ofsted is consulting on inspection reform and report cards.

“We (DfE) would encourage respondents to look carefully at both consultations.”

EYFS Staffing – Experience-Based Route To Level 3 – Published 28th January 2025

This new guidance outlines the recommended approach for early years providers to carry out the experience-based route for staff in their setting who do not hold the qualifications required to be included in the staff:child ratios at level 3. It provides support for providers, decision-makers, supervisors and applicants who intend to use this route.  Download Experience-Based Route for Early Years here.

Ofsted Updates

As anticipated, we now know more about the proposed changes to the inspection process;

Ofsted sets out proposals for fairer education inspections and new, more detailed report cards – Press Release and Consultation Launch – 3rd February 2025

Ofsted is consulting on a new approach to inspecting education providers and the introduction of report cards.

 Ofsted states that the proposals for a new inspection model include:  

  • Introducing the Ofsted report card, giving parents detailed information about standards across more areas of practice in their child’s school, early years, or further education provider.
  • Replacing the ‘single word judgement’ with a new 5-point grading scale for each evaluation area, including a new top ‘exemplary’ grade to help raise standards.
  • Returning to schools with identified weaknesses, to check timely action is being taken to raise standards.
  • Increasing focus on support for disadvantaged and vulnerable children and learners, including those with SEND.
  • More emphasis on providers’ circumstances and local context.
  • New toolkits to tailor inspections to the phase and type of provider

A video has also been released explaining the proposals:  


Ofsted are asking parents, carers, professionals and learners what they think about their proposals to improve education inspections and the new report cards for providers.

This consultation closes at 11:59pm on 28 April 2025. Click here to respond to: Improving the way Ofsted inspects education.

We will be exploring the proposed changes in greater detail over the coming weeks and would encourage all stakeholders to take part in the consultation process

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