Early Excellence

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The Power of Understanding the EYFS: St Gregory’s RC Primary

Diane Rougvie-Fevrier, Acting Headteacher at St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School shares her personal journey about how her newly acquired knowledge of the EYFS has transformed her leadership of the whole school.

Diane Rougvie-Fevrier is Acting Headteacher at St. Gregory’s Catholic Primary School. Initially, she had a real fear of early years and was not very knowledgeable about the practice. She depended on the early years leader for guidance.

Through the programme with Early Excellence and by attending the training and various meetings, she has greatly improved her understanding. She now understands why the practice and provision for the children represent best practice. Observing the outcomes and the children’s learning has shown her the positive impact. Diane feels much more confident and can now speak about early years practice with assurance, something that was previously outside her comfort zone. Now, she is often seen in early years, engaging with the children and loving what she sees at St. Gregory’s.

To enquire about support for you and your school, contact Early Excellence or e-mail nikki@earlyexcellence.com

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