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Mastery Learning in the EYFS and Y1: Elizabeth Woodville Primary

Andrew Pridmore shares how Elizabeth Woodville Primary implemented mastery learning with Early Excellence in early years.

Andrew Pridmore, Headteacher at Elizabeth Woodville Primary School, leads a one-form entry village school in Leicestershire. As a national support school, they value the opportunity to support others and learn from them simultaneously. Their involvement with Early Excellence began with a project to explore mastery learning across the primary age range, focusing on what this looks like in early years. They collaborated with Nicky and Andy to develop a vision for this process.

What excited them was the enabling environment that Early Excellence provides, allowing children to build expertise throughout the year. The project was bespoke, tailored to the school’s needs and vision, which contributed to its success.

They identified key elements of mastery teaching in early years, such as deep engagement and enriched practical real-life experiences to build vocabulary. Designing the perfect classroom involved visiting the Early Excellence Centre to formulate and crystallise ideas. Observing how rooms encouraged writing across the curriculum through activities like construction and role play helped in building the process.

The room plan included resources to make links across areas, allowing children to engage with materials and produce high-quality work. The importance of vocabulary and immediate writing opportunities was emphasised. Having characters that appeal to all pupils and seasonal materials was a highlight. Using real materials, like actual bricks instead of plastic ones, was a revelation, providing a more authentic and engaging experience for the children.

To enquire about bespoke consultancy for EYFS and KS1, contact Early Excellence or e-mail nikki@earlyexcellence.com

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